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April 21, 2015
EVDO Stomp Box
EVDO Stomper
I've been racking my little brain for years, how do I allow multiple people in my vehicle to have Internet access? I had images of WiFi bridges, routers, switches and whatnot dancing in my head. Well, not having a degree in anything that matters, I am unable to make resistors do anything other than hang together to make a nice kids necklace. Fortunately for us, there are still people with engineering degrees, and those people tend to make stuff that improves out lives. For example, where would be be without the singing trout?
Moving on, the how-to gives you a pretty easy way to make a moving t-mobile access point. Without T-Mobile or that Catherine Zeta character. Did you know she was Welsh? Yeah, not even proper english. I wont make a sheep comment here where you know I would and should.
In my little head, I wonder how difficult it would be to add hot-spot commerce software to that rig? Why not make some money off other drivers on your cross country trips.
Breaker 1-9, this is rubber duck. I think we have a convoy.
Posted by Lionel Felix at April 21, 2015 07:52 PM
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