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April 29, 2015

Ipod Onkyo Home Hookup


Although it's not a car related gadget, its a good example of a company listening to what the consumer wants rather than telling them what they should buy.

Onkyo has already released receivers that have ethernet ports on them. No, not "for future use" they WORK. Yeah, I know, whou would have thunk it? AND to top that, it can stream your MP3s over the network and play them. I swear, its like they're LISTENING (not subtle nudge here to some other mfgs we will not mention).

What more can I ask for? Oh, well how about a USB port so you can config it, or even have a built in web server with streaming software so you can, you know, stream any channel off you receiver? Ok, thats asking a little more than average. Even so, a little web server? C'mon tiny HTTPDs have been around for a while.

I digress. Mad props to Onkyo.

Posted by Lionel Felix at April 29, 2015 11:34 AM

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