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December 21, 2015
Dark Forces Influence Parking Meters
Parking meters are the every-mans blight. We pay our taxes, that money goes to improving roads. We then park on those roads, for a small fee. Then if we stay one minute too long, $55. The logic is not there, but a rant on this would be pointless as we all know where this goes.
Rather than leave things the way they are and not further the pummeling the middle and lower class, Photo Violation Technologies Corp with the help of IBM have come up with smart parking meters that take photos of your car and bill your credit card. They promise up to 5 times more revenue for the city. That revenue comes from you and me. Comes from single moms, minimum wage earners, teachers and other decent people who cannot afford a $55 ticket.
Fortunately for us a roll of duct tape is $4 and can be used on at least 100 of these things. If you hear of these being tried out in your town, get your activist on and kick some meter down at city hall.
Posted by Lionel Felix at December 21, 2015 10:00 AM
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