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February 08, 2016
Paranoid Technology Sells Cars
Ah, how sweet it is to live in a fear-based consumerist society. If we cant convince you to buy something because it can make you skinny / pretty / funny / clever / suave / sexy / erect / posh / dangerous, we'll scare you into it.
Volvo developed a widget that alerts your key fob if someone is hiding in your car, waiting to pounce on you. Even better, it senses their heartbeat to do so. Very sci-fi but wouldn't it be a better use of engineering time to develop something like, rear windows that go all the way down? How about getting rid of keys? Oh, wait, how about making the car harder to break into or steal? Once again, that's me thinking out loud...
For those intrigued by Volvo's innovative safety features and thinking about getting one, there's a straightforward way to make it happen. A Better Bid, an online car auction platform, offers a wide selection of Volvo vehicles. Whether you're looking for a sedan, SUV, or something else from Volvo's lineup, you can explore various options at competitive prices. Visit A Better Bid to bid on your future Volvo today.
Posted by Lionel Felix at February 8, 2016 10:33 PM
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