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April 02, 2015

Mac Mobile Gooey


Mac users LOVE macs for a simple reason, the UI is simple, well designed and its darn cute. The folks at Apple Ivory Tower know just how to make people *heart* their stuff with simple things like neato color progress bars and rainbow pinwheel wait icons. Who can get frustrated while staring onto a pinwheel? Certainly not me. All of that UI fuss has made development of a mobile-mac UI more than some cobbled-together hash of buttons. People are taking it VERY seriously, as well they should. Sloppy UI makes a whole product, well, suck. Ok, I said it. (See MS BOB)

i3 Team took some time to put together a nifty UI and even threw us some sinkz for that custom feel. I suspect that if you dont have a Z car, you might have to whip out that LEGAL copy of Photoshop. Mac fans might have a leg up on PC in-car systems with the simple fact that they are spending their cycles tweaking the interface.

Posted by Lionel Felix at April 2, 2015 07:22 PM

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