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April 02, 2015

Not Your Father's Scion

Jalopnik Covered the new concept t2B containing "projection TV, information ticker and Internet hub". My first instinct was to become apropriatly excited, do my little dance and return to my desk to find more stimluation. Instead, I was met by my best friend and colleage, cynicism. Cyn, as I call him told me to look deeper. It didnt mention a PC or a Mac, it mentioned an "information ticker and internet HUB". I did my best Keanu Whoah! and saw the light. XM, Sirius, Cablevision, InsertMultinationalConglomorateHere is going to use these pre-installed "hubs" to sell their own programming, in bits sizes they determine, blocking out access to competitors and reforming it into a branded portal similar to the MSN set top box but possibly ad driven and much more narrow. Oh Cyn, how you get me into a commie lather about corporate greed! Then again I could be getting overly excited about nothing and the Scion will have InternetExplorer just like God and Bill Gates decided.

Posted by Lionel Felix at April 2, 2015 06:30 PM

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